
The Akashic Records Training

Prepare your body, mind and soul to receive the high vibrational messages from the Akashic Record keepers.

This step by step 8 week programe will give you the tools, confidence and inspiration you need

Manifest a fulfilling career

This is a 8-part course designed to help start-ups and established healers, therapists, spiritual teachers to serve their soul-aligned clients. Step by step energetic alignment for you and your business.

Activate your inner Magician

Imagine being able to fully utilise your unique gifts and talents and be abundantly rewarded? Imagine removing fear and doubt from your every day life? Find out what is holding you back, create a clear path to move forward confidently.

Live your most Magical life

We bring forward the knowledge to cut through the clutter and ‘wake up’ to your own spiritual skills. Activate your innate skills, improve your emotional and spiritual strength 10 fold.

A step by step guide to prepare your body mind and soul to receive the high vibrational information coming in from the Akashic Records.

From healing, clearing and manifesting to ascension and the Akashic records!

Are you ready to heal your past life traumas, release your pain, anxiety, fear?

Are you ready to align with your highest potential?

Dissolve contracts that you were born with and join us on a journey of inspiration, remembering who you are at a soul level and discover your life and business purpose.

Create sustainable abundance

Implement our sustainable abundance system to ensure your business has a bright and magical, future. Attract the right clients all the time. 

This program has been developed for spiritual people, who want to fast-track improvements in their lives and connect with the Akashic Records.

  • Bring forward the knowledge to cut through the clutter and ‘wake up’ to your innate spiritual skills. Improve youre emotional and spiritual strength. 
  • Prepare your body mind and soul to receive the high vibrational messages from the Record Keepers and Guides 
  • Start or further your ascension process.
  • Receive messages from the Akashic Guides on what steps to take next in your business
  • The Abundance Magic System will help you identify any blocks to receiving cash flow and ensure you become an energetic match to the high vibration of financial flow. 
  • Share your experiences with a ready made group of like-minded individuals.
  • Join the team of Akashic Record Guides on our website, who were personally trained by Katherine and are already working in this field. 

The 8 part program is just the start...
AS a BONUS, we have created a support community, a safe place where you can continue your journey.
Including access to volunteers where you can practice your new skills and gain the confidence in this magical modality.

Your Akashic Record Reading 

Before the program starts, you will have a 1 to 1 akashic record reading with Katherine Tack, in order to:

  • Discover which blocks are really holding you back
  • Clear and release any Karma that no longer serves you
  • Find and release your Ancestral blocks
  • Create a stronger connection with your higher self
  • Receive important messages from your guides 
  • Introduction to  the dragon families who are here to help us 
  • Dig a little deeper into what you personally need to do in order
    to attract better circumstances into your life.
  • Discover new ways to raise your vibration to 5th Dimensional status
    – enjoy days of heaven on earth

Experience EXPANSION...
As part of the course, you will activate your energy body, allowing you to shift into the 5th dimension and experience life in a completely different way... imagine heaven on earth every day...

Become an Akashic Record Reader

8-week program £2595
Special Offer Now only £1995

We start the program from the ground up… creating a powerful connection with your higher self and preparing your body mind and soul to  to receive the high vibrational messages from the Akashic Record Keepers and Guides.

Spiritual Growth

Raise your vibration

Attract better circumstances

8 Week Course

  • Online with Katherine Tack via zoom.
  • Start any time that suits you!
  • 2 hours per week 
    (2 consecutive hours)
  • 8 weeks
  • Includes an Akashic Record Reading
  • Includes the Abundance Magic Book and card system training. 
  • Includes a support group
  • When you book, you will receive a confirmation email and a pack posted to you
  • We will arrange a time during the week that suits you. 

Contact us

  • if you would like to discuss an alternative learning time. 
  • If you have any questions about this programme
  • If you are not sure that you will be able to receive the messages from the record keepers and guides.

Fast track your Ascension into 5D


“Katherine is the most wonderful teacher to have on my spiritual journey. Her warmth, assurance and unconditional support, before, during and after workshops and Akashic records readings calm a lost soul and bring a lost soul home. My life changed in such a fast and positive way after meeting her and having her in my life. Can’t be more grateful! <3 ”

A. W.

Interview with Kavita

“Katherine is very thorough and I love that, the graphics were beautiful. From the very moment I met her, she made me very comfortable. – The workshop was very well thought out.”


Interview with Amy

“I think the workshops are structured really, really well, it’s not too long but was enough time. I love the process – the environment was so supportive and lovely, everything was easy to understand “


Interview with Lara

“It was all very magical, I felt straight away very much connected to it. – If I had a problem Katherine was always there to guide me and put me back on track!”